What is fundamentalism and why is it important?
Fundamentalism is a religious reaction against aspects of modernity. The concept of fundamentalism first emerged in American christianity in the early 20th century, but later developed to denote movements in other cultures too.
What are the main characteristics of fundamentalism?
Religious fundamentalists believe in the superiority of their religious teachings, and in a strict division between righteous people and evildoers (Altemeyer and Hunsberger, 1992, 2004). This belief system regulates religious thoughts, but also all conceptions regarding the self, others, and the world.
What is the principle of fundamentalism?
The basic principle of the Fundamentalist view is that the Bible, or written Scrip- tures, is the inerrant Word God spoke and continues to speak to his churches. It is the final authoritative word for faith and life.
What is the impact of religious fundamentalism?
Results indicated religious fundamentalism significantly and positively influenced helping behavior in favor of religious in-groups, but did not impact helping toward nonreligious in-groups over out-groups. When religious values were not involved, a strong us-versus-them favoritism did not apply.
What caused fundamentalism?
Steve Bruce argues that the main causes of Fundamentalism are modernisation and secularisation, but we also need to consider the nature of the religions themselves and a range of ‘external factors’ to fully explain the growth of fundamentalist movements.
What happened during fundamentalism?
Fundamentalism, in the narrowest meaning of the term, was a movement that began in the late 19th- and early 20th-century within American Protestant circles to defend the “fundamentals of belief” against the corrosive effects of liberalism that had grown within the ranks of Protestantism itself.
What are the causes of fundamentalism?
What are the types of fundamentalism?
The study of fundamentalism.
What is religious fundamentalism essay?
What is religious fundamentalism? Essay Religious fundamentalism is a focus on differences between members of society on the basis of their subscription or non subscription to a particular faith. It leads to discrimination and divides people into righteous and unrighteous dichotomies.
What is the origin of fundamentalism?
Today, the term fundamentalism is widely used to refer to a set of theological beliefs that are recommended by certain religious groups. Historians have described three phases that explain the origin and development of fundamentalism. The first phase lasted from 1890 to 1925.
What is the significance of Protestant fundamentalism?
In the Christian faith, Protestant fundamentalism stemmed from an early twentieth century publication designed to outline the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Its purpose was to unite American Protestants by clarifying the beliefs that were non-negotiable in their faith.
What is Johnstone’s view of religious fundamentalism?
Johnstone (206) affirms that religious fundamentalists reject secularization and insist on adherence to traditional practice. Fundamentalism is existent in almost all religions of the world. In Islam, it is manifested when followers oppose writings in books, articles or speeches that criticize the Islamic faith.